Articles On Messaging, Marketing, and More!
Features Vs. Feels: Messaging Teardown of Project Management Tools
When you think of the sexiest, most exciting categories of products to talk about, project management software is always near the top of the list.
You Have A New Website. Great! But What Does It Say?
It’s never been easier to create a website. There are a million tools out there to simplify the process from Squarespace to Shopify. Within a day you can create a basic site that works well across laptops, tablets, and phones. We take that functionality...
4 Best Practices That Will Improve Your Messaging
My company, Map & Fire, recently finished an original study that looked at the marketing messages of 600 companies. The goal was to extract insights and patterns that could become best practices for other businesses. The research focused specifically on...
Don’t Forget the Messaging Glue
When you write the messaging for a product, website, or service you’re usually telling your customers a story they’ve never heard before. In that story, it’s easy to put all your focus on the major plot points and neglect the transitions that glue the story together.
How to Keep Your Marketing Messages From Being Rejected
Your marketing messages are one of the most important aspects of your business. They’re the frontline of your company’s communication. They’re the first thing your customers read on your website, socials posts, ads, newsletters, and any other place you choose to communicate.
Enough chitchat, see for yourself!
We’re always happy to answer questions about StratPack, but the best thing you can do is try it for yourself. Lucky for you, it’s totally free to get started, so give it a shot and see how fast and easy it is to create great messaging!